External Ids

Entities can either have a single or multiple external IDs in order to be referenced by Third Parties

Entities with Single External Id

Entities, such as conferences, can have an external id in order to be referenced by a third party. External IDs are mostly used for imports and exports to either ERP systems or other products of facilioo, such as the Hybride Eigentümerversammlung.

Entities will have another attribute externalId which can be created, updated and deleted by applying the corresponding operation to the main entity, e.g.:

PATCH /conferences/42

  "externalId: "0733b38d-3270-4b76-80e1-464d60e03b9c"

Entities with Multiple External Ids

Entities, such as parties, which are shared across multiple tenants of facilioo can have multiple external ids with different owners (property management companies / tenants). Besides, it's possible that the entity has multiple External IDs naturally, as well.

Example: Party
Parties are not bound to tenants and therefore different tenants can reference them in their ERP. Property management company CasaPerfect Verwaltung* might work with janitor Jean-Pierre Berger* as well as property management company HuG Berlin. Therefore, the janitor which is a company, has one external id for CasaPerfect Verwaltung and one for HuG Berlin.
In addition, facilioo does support to deduplicate entries. Incorrect management of master data leads to duplicated entries of parties, such as owners, in facilioo. When merging these entities, facilioo does assign all external ids of the duplicated entries to the main entity, therefore, resulting in multiple external ids for that party, as well.

In order to fetch external ids of an entity with multiple external ids, there is another endpoint: GET /<entities>/{id}/external-ids which will return a paginated list of strings.

In order to replace the list of external ids of an entity with multiple external ids, there is another endpoint: PUT /<entities>/{id}/external-ids which takes a an array of strings as their body param ["A123", "B123"].