
Endpoints which return a list of objects use pagination. Pagination allows an integration to request a part of the list, receiving an array of items, the pageNumber and totalPages. When totalPages > pageNumber or hasNextPage (more below), the next page can be fetched by incrementing the pageNumber. The first page starts at 1.


Each paginated endpoint accepts the following request parameters:

The requested Page from the list of results. Should be between 1 and the value of totalPages. Treat this as an opaque value.

Default: 1, which does return results from the beginning of the list.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: Not specified, but a page out of range will return no results.
The number of items from the full list desired in the response.

Default: 10
Maximum: 100

The response may container fewer items than this number of results.


Parameter location

For endpoints using the HTTP GET method, these parameters are only accepted in the query string of the request. As of right now, there are no endpoints using the HTTP POST method, where those parameters are accepted.


Responses from paginated endpoints contain the following properties:

itemsT[]The actual set of results, limited to PageSize from the request. Type T depends on the resource of the endpoint.
pageNumberintThe currently requested page.
totalPagesintThe total count of pages.
totalCountintThe total count of items, not pages. Don't confuse with totalPages.
hasPreviousPageboolHelper attribute which indicates if there are results on a smaller than pageNumber.
hasNextPageboolHelper attribute which indicates if there are more results on a higher value than pageNumber.