Errors & Validations

Working with the API will bring 3 types of errors:

  • Validation errors
  • Authentication or authorization errors
  • Unknown errors
HTTP Status CodeDescription
400 - Bad RequestThis status code implies that the server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax, or there is a problem with the provided input. These types of errors are usually coming from validations
401 - UnauthorizedThis error code signifies that the request requires user authentication or that the current access token has expired.
403 - ForbiddenThis status code means that the user is not allowed to access a specific resource or action
404 - Not foundHappens when a resource is not found or the client is not allowed to access it
500 - Internal Server ErrorThis is a generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered by the server and no more specific message is suitable. In other words, it's a "catch-all" for server-side errors.


Validation Errors (400 - Bad Request)

typeStringLink to the RFC
titleStringBrief explanation of the error
statusIntegerThe error code
errorsArrayA more detailed explanation of the error

Example response

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "errors": {
    "Credentials": [
      "Email not found or combination of email and password incorrect"